You might have been hearing a lot about Windows Virtual Desktop lately. Microsoft recently announced the public preview of Windows Virtual Desktop which means you can run a multi-session Windows 10 experience on Azure in the cloud.

So what’s the big deal about Windows Virtual Desktop and running Windows 10 entirely in the cloud?

There’s a lot to say about this and a lot of it will be of interest mostly to larger companies, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and IT administrators. It’s fair to say some of them will be pretty excited by Windows Virtual Desktop.

However, there are benefits for end users as well. Windows Virtual Desktop will make it easier for those who travel to hook up to a full Windows Desktop experience wherever you are and whatever device you are using. For many, the experience of running Windows Virtual Desktop will be faster than a traditional Windows desktop experience and the way it integrates with Windows 10 should mean a seamless experience whether you are using desktop or virtual apps.

Rather than delve into the detail, this short video will give you a good overview of what it’s all about and what the practical implications are for end users and IT administrators.


If you are intrigued to know more about Windows Virtual Desktop, see more details at Microsoft’s Windows Virtual Desktop page.

If you want to dive in and try out Windows Virtual Desktop for yourself, check out the Azure Windows Virtual Desktop where you’ll find all the details you need to get started.


Need to Talk?

Do you want to know more about Windows Virtual Desktop solutions and how they might work for your organisation?

Is Windows Virtual Desktop the best way to migrate to Windows 10 from a Windows 7 environment?

Can we replace all our Remote Desktop Service connections with Windows Virtual Desktop?

What are the license requirements for Windows Virtual Desktop?

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